
“Bashes” together sketches into a 3D model

  • https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/0B2eQQ72R5U0Zc3FVckc0MVAxcHc/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101275160516078220889&resourcekey=0-yL6JIcZnwQ47Fl-hGlzz-Q&rtpof=true&sd=true

This was a hackathon project I made for TTCore AECTech 2017 conference in New York City.

I was interested in how diagramming had become a dominant mode of designing architectural proposals, and how diagramming can be more tightly coupled with the traditional 3D modelling workflow.

I brought in edge detection and raster to vector libraries. I transcribed a Java library for raster to vector tracing into .NET for using in Rhino.

The user can “bash” together up to 3 bitmaps into a 3d model which are projected in the X, Y and Z (optional) axis. I was partly inspired by G4’s “Attack of the Show” logo which fuses together 3D text in the X and Y axis.



Reserved Geometries

In order to discern form from widgets, the above geometries are “reserved”. For example, any 4 or 5 sided polygon is interpreted as a solar location. Dotted lines are treated as “special regions” which are given independent volumes in the output.


Asterisk Extensions
